Friends of the Children leaders blanket Capitol Hill to highlight policies that support youth who experience significant adversity. Debra Wynn, Board Chair; Duncan Campbell, Founder; Judy Cara, Executive Director at a reception celebrating Friends of the Children's 30th anniversary.
Mayor John Suthers honors Friends of the Children Mayor John Suthers honored Friends of the Children–Colorado Springs during National Mentoring Month
Thank You to Vanguard Skin Specialists for their amazing partnership! Judy Cara receives a check from Lisa Boness with Vanguard Skin Specialists
Happy New Year! If we could see the world through the eyes of a child, we would see magic in everything. May your new year be filled with magic!
We invite you to view the article that was featured in the Colorado Springs Gazette, highlighting our inaugural Dinner with Friends Judy Cara, Executive Director of Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs, and her husband, Jim Cara