May 23, 2022

Simone Biles Partners with Friends of the Children to Celebrate Youth

Friends of the Children celebrates National Foster Care Month and Mental Health Awareness Month by teaming up with youth advocate and Olympic gymnast Simone Biles

Who’s 4'8", has four different gymnastics skills named after her, was the first woman to land a triple double flip in history, and loves the color purple? The one and only – Simone Biles!

Friends of the Children was thrilled to celebrate National Foster Care Month and Mental Health Awareness Month by teaming up with youth advocate and Olympic gymnast Simone Biles! On May 11, we were honored to welcome Simone as she hosted an interactive Q&A and gymnastics stretching session with youth across the nation, honoring two causes very close to her heart – foster care and mental health.

In addition to her impressive gymnastics accomplishments, one of Simone’s greatest achievements has been empowering others by courageously sharing her journey with mental health and foster care. Simone has become a proud advocate to help break the stigma and normalize the conversation surrounding mental health. She also has a passion for helping and encouraging children experiencing foster care because of her own experience in the child welfare system as a child herself.

“It’s so special for me, especially because I’ve walked in the same path and footsteps as some of you,” said Simone during the event. “So just know I’m here with you guys and I thank you for your continued support along my journey.”

Simone shared her own story and talked about goal setting, the importance of education, finding your passion, and how to relieve stress. She even brought two of her dogs—Rambo and Lilo—on camera to say hi to the kids!

Simone also spoke to how mentors can make a big difference in a child’s life: “You just need that one person who believes in you and can uplift your spirit on those really hard days. And that’s what you have—you have those mentors. So really lean on them, trust in them.”

Simone spoke from experience and the heart, saying, “I know how special having a mentor is, and somebody who believes in you and helps you through each and every step of the way. I think that’s a really unique situation and it’s important, and I wish there were more Friends of the Children.”

Thank you to Simone Biles for partnering with Friends of the Children to help change the way people view and engage with youth and families with incredible potential and who experience challenges, like foster care and mental health. As youth in our program shared – you are a SUPERHERO in our books!